Publisher Content Policies for Bookniverse

Bookniverse has established content policies that are designed to provide a positive experience for both users and publishing partners. It is important to adhere to these guidelines to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. Exceptions to these policies may be made for artistic, educational, historical, documentary, or scientific content, or when there are other significant public benefits. These policies are subject to change, so it is recommended to check for updates regularly. Additional information can also be found in the Bookniverse Terms and Conditions.
Content Policy
To ensure the safety and security of the Bookniverse community, please refrain from posting spam or malware. This includes unwanted promotional or commercial content, mass solicitations, and any content that may disrupt the service or cause harm to others, such as malware or viruses.
Content that promotes or sells products or services without consent is considered unwanted. Additionally, content that is easily accessible online for free or falls under public domain are also examples of such content. To avoid confusion and add value to our users, we do not accept books with public domain material, as they are widely duplicated. However, we may consider such books from select partners.
Bookniverse often receives non-exclusive content deliveries from multiple parties, some of whom may have publishing rights for the same book. It is not our role to mediate potential rights conflicts between authors, publishers, and other parties. Nevertheless, we prioritize caution by avoiding unauthorized copies and rejecting duplicate copies of the same book. This is necessary because multiple versions of the same book can cause confusion for our users.
If you suspect that your content is being published without your consent, please review Bookniverse's copyright policies for more information.
To ensure a positive user experience, it is important not to provide misleading or disappointing content. We reserve the right to review content that consistently receives user complaints. Examples of prohibited material include, but are not limited to:
  • Books that may be mistaken for apps or other digital content
  • Samples that solely advertise or promote other books
  • Metadata that is confusingly similar to existing books, including misleading titles, authors, descriptions, or covers, or that may cause confusion regarding the format of the book
  • Books with quality issues in the content files that make it difficult to understand
Materials that promote violence, terrorism, or harassment are strictly prohibited. This includes any content that threatens physical harm, incites violence against individuals or groups, or promotes harm towards others. Additionally, we do not allow extremely graphic or scatological material.
Hate speech is not permitted on our platform. This includes content that promotes violence, hate, or genocide towards any identifiable or protected group or individual. Protected groups may include those based on race or ethnicity, nationality (including citizenship), religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
We allow nudity in images with educational, artistic, historical, or documentary value. However, sexually explicit material is not permitted.
Publishers are required to label sexually explicit materials as "For mature audiences" on the Book's Settings tab. While some forms of sexually explicit content are permissible, the following types are strictly prohibited:
  • Images of nudity or sexually explicit audio descriptions without educational, artistic, historical, or documentary value
  • Pornographic material
  • Sexually explicit text in any Book metadata, including titles, subtitles, or descriptions
  • Sexually explicit text, images, or audio depicting extreme sexual acts, such as pedophilia or bestiality
  • Content that directs traffic to pornographic online services
However, we may allow exceptions in cases where the content has artistic, educational, historical, documentary, or scientific value, or provides substantial benefits to the public.
In order to maintain a safe and secure environment for all users, Bookniverse has a strict zero-tolerance policy against any form of child sexual abuse, including text, imagery, or audio. The creation, possession, or distribution of such material is strictly prohibited, and any such activity will be reported to law enforcement. Bookniverse takes this issue very seriously and will remove any content that promotes or facilitates such activities.
Personal and Confidential Information
To protect the privacy and security of our users, Bookniverse prohibits the selling or distribution of personal or confidential information, such as credit card details, Social Security numbers, driver's and other license numbers, or any other information that is not publicly accessible, without authorization. It is important to note that information that is already available elsewhere on the internet or in public records is not considered private or confidential under our policies. Please refrain from sharing any personal or confidential information on Bookniverse to ensure the safety and security of all users.
Illegal Activities
It is strictly prohibited to engage in illegal activities on Bookniverse. If we become aware of any unlawful activities, appropriate action will be taken, which may include removing access to our products, suspending your Bookniverse account, or reporting you to the relevant authorities.
Copyright Protection
We expect users to respect copyright laws. Alleged copyright infringement will be addressed through clear notices, and repeated infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyright, will result in account termination. For more information, please refer to Bookniverse's copyright policies.
Policy Enforcement
If you discover any policy violations, please contact Bookniverse Support. Depending on the severity of the violation, we may remove the material, disable access to Bookniverse products, delete the user's account, report illegal materials to law enforcement authorities, or debit the user's account to cover customer refunds. During content review for potential violations of our Content Policy, we may temporarily disable preview in both Bookniverse and Bookniverse Books search.
Please note that just because a user disagrees with certain material or finds it inappropriate does not necessarily mean that it will be removed or that action will be taken. We understand that people may have different points of view, and we take this into consideration when reviewing reports of abuse.
Bookniverse reserves the right to refuse to sell any book submitted to Bookniverse at any time at its sole discretion.
Effective Date: June 1, 2023