Learning Language Through Literature in Primary Schools: Resource Book for Teachers of English - Peter Falvey - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Learning Language Through Literature in Primary Schools: Resource Book for Teachers of English
Peter Falvey | Peter Kennedy
US $13.60
US $17.00
查看更多人文社科 > 教育 > 學習/研究方法
This resource book contains a wealth of ideas for primary school teachers of English who wish to use literary texts and techniques in the language classroom.
The book offers practical assistance in the form of lesson plans, teaching procedures, sample worksheets and follow-up activities. These have been tried out and reacted to by Hong Kong primary teachers, so that what is presented here is realistic and feasible in local classrooms. The materials will be useful for all practising primary teachers of English as well as for those on teacher education programmes.
The aim of the Experiential Dimension of the new Target Oriented Curriculum is to help Hong Kong (primary school) children ‘. . . Develop an ever-improving capability to use English to respond and give expression to real and imaginative experience.’
Activities related to storytelling, rhyme, songs and playlets are used here to help develop reading, listening and speaking skills and to generate written work appropriate for this level. Instead of language routines, drills and practice exercises there is an opportunity for the children to develop confidence in using English through greater personal engagement.
The tasks call for the active involvement of all pupils. When children see the words come alive and get up off the page, their crucial first experiences of learning English are likely to be enriching and enjoyable ones.
查看更多Peter Falvey
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