來自大連的電話 A Phone Call From Dalian (Simplified Chinese and English) - 韓東 Dong Han - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
來自大連的電話 A Phone Call From Dalian (Simplified Chinese and English)
韓東 Dong Han | Nicky Harman [Translator] | Maghiel van Crevel [Translator] | Yu Yan Chen [Translator] | Naikan Tao [Translator] | Tony Prince [Translator] | Michael Day [Translator]
US $14.40
US $18.00
查看更多文學 > 中國文學
「今天」當代文學系列聚焦中國大陸和海外的新銳作品,由北島,劉禾與Christopher Mattison主編,封面採用藝術家徐冰的版畫作品。該系列迄今已有十一本雙語詩集問世。
The JINTIAN [今天] series of contemporary literature features new and innovative writing from mainland China and abroad. Titles in the series are edited by Bei Dao, Lydia H. Liu, and Christopher Mattison.
A collaborative venture between Zephyr Press, the Jintian Literary Foundation, and The Chinese University Press, each bilingual title highlights the ever-changing literary culture of China while simultaneously expanding the English language with a wave of new voices in translation. A Phone Call From Dalian by Han Dong is one of the selections.
Several things combine to make Han Dong the remarkable poet he is: quotidian themes, willed superficiality, colloquial language, and his individuality and sophistication in handling these things. Or, conversely: the deconstruction of heroic themes, the repression of conventional interpretation, the rejection of “literary” language, and defamiliarizationas a fundamental textual attitude.
—Maghiel van Crevel
“A Skeptical, questioning voice … engaged in subverting the quotidian,” Han Dong’s is a voice not yet heard in the West. His poetry has been described as “disconcerting, meditative, angry, passionate, sad, sarcastic, self-mocking and even a little silly.” This is a collection of considerable interest which gives an insight into a new literature in the making, as the ancient culture of China struggles to reinvent its own modernity.”
—Brian Holton
查看更多韓東 Dong Han
HAN DONG (韓東) was born in 1961 in Nanjing, where he continues to live and work as a full-time writer. He has a long history in the Chinese contemporary poetry scene: he was not only very influential in avant-garde poetry in the 1980s but continues to be highly regarded as a poet today and has a seriously devoted following. He has edited groundbreaking literary magazines and websites such as Them and Today and was a leader of the 1998 “Fracture” movement, which encouraged independent writers to break free of conventional literary values. Today, characteristically, he continues to court controversy with his blogs and essays. He is also a respected novelist-his first novel, published in translation as Banished! by University of Hawai’i Press, was long-listed for the Man Asian Literary prizes in China, and has made several literary tours in the West in recent years.
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