Change and Continuity: A History of St. Stephen’ s Girls’ College, Hong Kong, 1906–1996 - Kathleen Barker E. - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Change and Continuity: A History of St. Stephen’ s Girls’ College, Hong Kong, 1906–1996
Kathleen Barker E.
US $48.00
US $60.00
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St. Stephen’s Girls’ College is one of the many schools run under the auspices of the Anglican Church in Hong Kong. Starting as a tiny missionary school for upper-class Chinese girls and their younger brothers, it has evolved into a large establishment, comprising kindergarten, primary and secondary sections, playing its full part in the public sector of education and now serving a complete socio-economic cross-section of the community. As one of the earliest schools for girls in the territory, St. Stephen’s played a significant role in the opening up of educational opportunities for Chinese girls.This book records the history and development of the school and is written for its 90th Anniversary, using much original source material. The author, who was head of the school for over thirty years, has set this history within the educational, social and political context of the times.This book will be of obvious interest to those who have a connection with the school: council members, teachers, parents and students. It may also be a useful reference for those interested in the history of education in Hong Kong during the 20th century—a period which has seen immense social and political change.
查看更多Kathleen Barker E.
Kathleen (Kay) Esther Barker graduated with an honours degree in mathematics from the University of Cambridge, where she studied at Girton College. Subsequently she obtained a postgraduate certificate in education from the University of Birmingham, and went on to study theology and social science at William Temple College, Rugby. After seven years of teaching mathematics in England she came to Hong Kong to teach mathematics and Biblical knowledge at St. Paul’s Co-educational College. In March 1961, she was appointed Principal of St. Stephen’s Girls’ College and was to continue to head the school for almost thirty-one years.
During those three decades Kay Barker served on a number of public bodies, including the Education Commission, the Examinations Authority and the Council of the Hong Kong School for the Deaf. Her contribution to education in Hong Kong was recognised by her appointment as a Justice of the Peace in 1971, by being made an M.B.E. in 1981, and by the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences (honoris causa) by the University of Hong Kong in 1989. She is now in retirement in Cambridge, England, where she has been appointed Registrar of the Roll and a Bye-Fellow of Girton College.
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