Behind Closed Doors - Cindy Wong - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Behind Closed Doors
Cindy Wong
US $12.00
US $15.00
8Letters Bookstore & Publishing
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Nick sighed as his hand reached for a bottle of beer. It was his second bottle of the day, and its bitterness was catching up to him. Not his limit yet. He found the effects of alcohol quite consoling even if all it did was to help him think, and contemplate the meaning of his life.
He looked up again and saw another shooting star that quickly went as for how it goes. This star had lived millions of years and yet when it died, no one seemed to notice. No one seemed to care. It would be swallowed by darkness, the same darkness that gave birth to it.
His mind shifted back again to the wrongness of his being. When did it start to go wrong? How did it reach this point of no return? And how come he only realized it now when it was too late?
His pondering was interrupted by the sound of a roaring engine that just turned around the street. There were no other houses nearby so he could only assume that it's coming his way. A few blinks and he finally recognized the car, who it belonged to. For a moment he thought about pretending that he’s not around, but then the lights were already on in his room. Also, his company in this house were probably sleeping. He'd hate to wake them up at midnight.
Ah, but if there’s the last thing he wanted, that would be a company of a stranger.
查看更多Cindy Wong
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