White Fang - Jack London - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
White Fang
Jack London
US $10.05
US $12.56
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White Fang tells a moving story about a wolf-dog named White Fang, who was originally born in a wild world, and later brought to its Indian owner. The owner was so brutal that White Fang suddenly becameferocious and aggressive to any race. Fortunately, it was rescued by its new owner, who domesticated White Fang through patience and kindness. Just as The Call of the Wild, White Fang views the world from the perspective of animals. The cruelty of the animal world and the equal cruelty of the human world are presented in detail in the two books. However, White Fang also explores themes about morality, love, and redemption.
查看更多Jack London
Jack London, pen name of John Griffith Chaney, was born in 1876 in America. He was a productive novelist, with 19 novels and more than 150 short stories. He was versatile in many literary genres and became one of the first American authors to turn into an international celebrity.
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