Learning Language Through Literature: A Sourcebook for Teachers of English in Hong Kong - Peter Falvey - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Learning Language Through Literature: A Sourcebook for Teachers of English in Hong Kong
Peter Falvey | Peter Kennedy
US $16.80
US $21.00
查看更多人文社科 > 教育 > 學習/研究方法
This useful sourcebook contains 12 chapters written by experienced classroom practitioners in Hong Kong. One theme appears constantly in these chapters: that in the English language classroom, whether at primary, secondary, or tertiary levels, high interest and positive motivation occur through active learning when literary texts, literary techniques and literariness are featured.
In this book, full coverage is given to the use of poetry, prose and drama in language learning and teaching at all three levels of the education system. The tasks and activities described here have been shown to work with all bands of students.
This book is ideally suited both for practising teachers and participants in teacher education programmes in Hong Kong and the rest of S.E. Asia. It will be particularly useful for primary and secondary teachers of English wishing to incorporate appropriate and relevant teaching activities so as to meet the goals of the new Target Oriented English Language Curriculum.
查看更多Peter Falvey
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