Little Red Riding Hood - The Brothers Grimm - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Little Red Riding Hood
The Brothers Grimm
US $6.98
US $8.72
查看更多文學 > 歐美文學
In a world filled with magical forests and talking creatures, there lived a young girl named Little Red-Cap. She is a curious and kind-hearted girl who sets off on a journey through the forest to visit her grandmother. Along the way, she encounters a cunning wolf who has other plans for her. The story unfolds as Little Red-Cap navigates a treacherous path, learning important lessons about trust, intuition, and the consequences of straying from the path.
查看更多The Brothers Grimm
The timeless tale of Cinderella was written by the Brothers Grimm. Born in Germany in the early 19th century, the Brothers Grimm dedicated their lives to perserving and sharing the rich oral traditions and folklore of their homeland. These tales have inspired countless adaptations, including films, plays, operas and ballets.
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