The Selfish Giant - Oscar Wilde - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
The Selfish Giant
Oscar Wilde
US $6.98
US $8.72
查看更多兒童青少年讀物 > 兒童文學
Once upon a time, there lived a giant. His garden was filled with magnificent flowers, tall trees, and lush green grass, but the giant kept it all to himself. One morning, he saw a small child standing in the corner of his garden, trying to reach the branches of a tree. With anger in his eyes, the giant approached the child. But as he got closer, something incredible happened. From that moment on, the giant's life started to change.
查看更多Oscar Wilde
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde is a timeless tale that reminds us of the importance of sharing and the joy that comes from opening our hearts to others. Born in Dublin in 1854, Wilde was known for his wit, clever storytelling, and his ability to delve into the depths of human emotions.
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