Pandemic Minds: COVID-19 and Mental Health in Hong Kong - Kate Whitehead - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Pandemic Minds: COVID-19 and Mental Health in Hong Kong
Kate Whitehead
US $22.40
US $28.00
查看更多人文社科 > 心理學
醫療保健 > 行政及政策
Pandemic MindsCOVID-19 and Mental Health in Hong KongKate WhiteheadThe COVID-19 pandemic was a global crisis that affected millions of lives and brought mental health challenges to the forefront. In Hong Kong, the situation was worsened by uniquely strict COVID-19 regulations, quarantine measures, and travel restrictions. The mental health issues associated with the pandemic did not end with the lifting of the mask mandate. On the contrary, the repercussions are only just beginning to surface and their impact will be felt for years to come.This eye-opening book tells the stories of ordinary Hongkongers who faced extraordinary challenges during the pandemic. Through a blend of first-person accounts, psychological insights, and hard data, it offers a compelling and accessible exploration of the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on mental health in Hong Kong.However, this book is not only a chronicle of suffering; it is also a guide to healing and hope. It offers practical advice on how to overcome the mental health issues caused by the pandemic, and how to build resilience and well-being. It reveals the lessons that can be learned from Hong Kong’s experience, and how they can help individuals and policymakers around the world.
查看更多Kate Whitehead
Kate Whitehead is an award-winning journalist and qualified psychotherapist based in Hong Kong.
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