Ho Sin Hang and the Early Company Culture of Hang Seng Bank – A Founder's Values and the Making of Company Culture - Po Keung Ip - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Ho Sin Hang and the Early Company Culture of Hang Seng Bank – A Founder's Values and the Making of Company Culture
Po Keung Ip | Shun Man Simon Ho
US $16.00
US $20.00
查看更多商業理財 > 管理與領導 > 企業傳記
Company culture (or corporate culture) is the valuable intangible and a critical success factor of a company. All excellent companies have unique company cultures which they took great care to maintain and preserve. Company cultures are the realization of values, visions, ideas of their founders, and they are also the reflection of their characters. This book uses the analytical framework of the relationships between founders’ values and company cultures to investigate how Ho Sin Hang’s values shaped the early company culture of Hang Seng Bank, how they influenced the thinking and behaviours of employees, and how Hang Seng Bank’s social image was constructed The book also tries to explore whether Hang Seng Culture has universal elements that can be used as reference for sustainable Chinese business, as well as uses the analysis of the way the founder of Hang Seng constructed its company culture to enrich people’s understanding of Chinese business culture in Hong Kong.
查看更多Po Keung Ip
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