便條集 Flash Cards (Simplified Chinese and English) - 於堅 Jian Yu - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
便條集 Flash Cards (Simplified Chinese and English)
於堅 Jian Yu | Ping Wang [Translator] | Ron Padgett [Translator]
US $12.00
US $15.00
查看更多文學 > 中國文學
「今天」當代文學系列聚焦中國大陸和海外的新銳作品,由北島,劉禾與Christopher Mattison主編,封面採用藝術家徐冰的版畫作品。該系列迄今已有十一本雙語詩集問世。
Flash Cards is a primer of modern Chinese life-constructing a complex philosophical vision from swatches of daily events and observations. As Yu Jian has written about his own work: “It is possible to see eternity-to see everything-in a teacup or a candy wrapper. Everything in the world is poetry.”
The JINTIAN [今天] series of contemporary literature features new and innovative writing from mainland China and abroad. Titles in the series are edited by Bei Dao, Lydia H. Liu, and Christopher Mattison. A collaborative venture between Zephyr Press, the Jintian Literary Foundation, and The Chinese University Press, each bilingual title highlights the ever-changing literary culture of China while simultaneously expanding the English language with a wave of new voices in translation.
查看更多於堅 Jian Yu
Yu Jian (於堅) (China) was born in 1954 in the city of Kunming, a city located on a plateau in south-west China. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Yunnan. His most important works include the poetry collections 60 Poems (1989), Note Anthology (2001) and Anthology and Image (2003); two books of prose, Notes on Brown Paper (1995) and Notes from the Human World (1997); and the five-volume selected poetry and prose entitled The Yu Jian Collection (2004). His documentary films include The Locomotive from 1910, Slow and The Blue Train Station. He has also written three plays, In Connection with AIDS (performed in Beijing by the Mou Sen Theatre Workshop), About an Evening Conversation (Paris) and About a Discussion on the Far Shore of the Nature of Chinese Words.
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