我幾乎看到滾滾塵埃 I Can Almost See the Clouds of Dust (Simplified Chinese and English) - 宇向 Xiang Yu - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
我幾乎看到滾滾塵埃 I Can Almost See the Clouds of Dust (Simplified Chinese and English)
宇向 Xiang Yu | Fiona Sze-Lorrain
US $14.40
US $18.00
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「今天」當代文學系列聚焦中國大陸和海外的新銳作品,由北島,劉禾與Christopher Mattison主編,封面採用藝術家徐冰的版畫作品。該系列迄今已有十一本雙語詩集問世。
The JINTIAN [今天] series of contemporary literature features new and innovative writing from mainland China and abroad. Titles in the series are edited by Bei Dao, Lydia H. Liu, and Christopher Mattison.
A collaborative venture between Zephyr Press, the Jintian Literary Foundation, and The Chinese University Press, each bilingual title highlights the ever-changing literary culture of China while simultaneously expanding the English language with a wave of new voices in translation. I Can Almost See the Clouds of Dust by Yu Xiang is one of the selections.
These spare, yet sensuous poems, selfless, but beating with an inimitable voice and heart, remind me that no matter what the language, no matter what the culture, there is only one poetry: the poetry of the bone marrow. May this haunting, truth-insistent book circumnavigate the whole planet!
—Thomas Lux
Yu Xiang comfortably inhabits the negative space between viewer and subject, artist and artwork, the lover and her beloved in this acrobatic, ekphrastic, meditatively-compelling collection. Fiona Sze-Lorrain’s crisp translation invites American readers to experience Yu Xiang’s poetic mastery half a world away from its formative origins in the Shandong province, bringing into focus the voice of one of China’s most celebrated and memorable female voices. “I have a lonely yet / stable life,” Yu admits at one point in the book. “This is my house. If / you happen to walk in, it’s certainly not / for my rambling notes.” Yu Xiang disarms her reader with exacting imagery and pathos in order to tell the aching, unavoidable truth of womanhood in these striking poems.
—Dorianne Laux
查看更多宇向 Xiang Yu
A key figure of the post-70s Chinese poets, Yu Xiang (宇向) was born in 1970 and began writing poetry in 2000. Her honors include the Rougang Poetry Prize (2002), the Yulong Poetry Prize (2006) and the Cultural China Annual Poetry Award (2007). Enigmatic and sensual, Yu Xiang's writings are immensely popular. Her work includes a volume of poetry, Exhale (2006), a chapbook, Sorceress (2009), and the forthcoming collection, I Can Almost See the Clouds of Dust. She has also, as a visual artist, exhibited oil paintings at various venues. She currently lives in Ji'nan, the capital city of Shandong Province.
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