在嚴肅的虛無之光中 In the Serious Light of Nothing - 彼得.明特 Peter Minter - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
在嚴肅的虛無之光中 In the Serious Light of Nothing
彼得.明特 Peter Minter
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由彼得.明特 (Peter Minter)著的在嚴肅的虛無之光中 In the Serious Light of Nothing 收錄於呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2013而出版的珍貴詩集《島嶼與大陸》。《島嶼或大陸》由北島,陳嘉恩,方梓勳,柯夏智和馬德松所編,收錄了來自世界各地優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, Islands or Continents is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "In the Serious Light of Nothing" by Peter Minter (Australia) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.
查看更多彼得.明特 Peter Minter
彼得. 明特是澳洲重要詩人,編輯和詩學作家。1967年出生, 兼有蘇格蘭,英格蘭和澳洲土著三種血統。他先在海邊後又在叢林裡長大,18 歲時旅行前往日本, 隨後在悉尼大學攻讀文學和哲學。著有多部詩集,其中包括《空蕩蕩的德克薩斯》,《早晨》,《連字型大小》以及《藍草》。他的作品發表於眾多澳洲和國際刊物和選集, 並曾為他贏得無數獎學金,資助和獎項。自從1990 年代起, 他一直是澳洲先鋒詩歌和詩學的核心人物。他組織過不少詩歌活動, 以及視覺藝術,音樂和詩歌展覽, 還編輯或參與編輯《伐樓拿》,《柯達炸藥》,《花萼:澳洲當代詩人三十家》等多種詩歌冊子,詩歌選本和詩歌雜誌。近期, 還參與編輯了《安琪拉吉》雜誌「生態詩學和教育學」專號。目前, 他是澳洲最主要的文學和思想雜誌《轉地放牧》編輯。作為詩人,理論家和教師, 明特在作品中重新思考了澳洲和新西蘭詩歌語言,物質主義地緣哲學, 以及自然和詩歌生態學之間的關係。他的近期作品對土著「家鄉」概念以及澳洲想像去殖民化主題進行了生態詩學探索。他在悉尼大學擔任高級講師,主要研究澳洲和土著詩歌,詩學和生態詩學。他與詩人,音樂家和學者凱特. 法甘以及他們的兩個孩子居住在藍山。
Peter Minter is a leading Australian poet, editor and writer on poetics. Born in 1967, he shares Scottish, English and Aboriginal heritage. He grew up first by the ocean and then in the bush, traveled to Japan at the age of eighteen and then studied literature and philosophy at the University of Sydney. He is the author of several books of poetry, including Empty Texas, Morning, Hyphen and blue grass. His work has been published widely and anthologized regularly in Australia and internationally, and he has been awarded numerous fellowships, grants and prizes. Since the mid-1990s he has been a central figure in innovative and avant-garde Australian poetry and poetics. Apart from curating various renowned poetry events and exhibitions of visual art, music and poetry, he was the founding editor of the Varuna New Poetry broadsheets, the founding co-editor of Cordite, a coeditor of the influential anthology Calyx: 30 Contemporary Australian Poets, the poetry editor of the leading Australian journal Meanjin, and a co-editor of both the groundbreaking Macquarie PEN Anthology of Aboriginal Literature and The Literature of Australia. He recently co-edited the “Ecopoetics and Pedagogies” special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, and is now poetry editor of Australia’s foremost radical journal of literature and ideas, Overland. As a poet, theorist and teacher, Minter reconsiders in his works antipodean encounters between poetic language, materialist geophilosophies and the rendering of natural and poetic
ecologies. His recent work has focused especially on an ecopoetical inquiry into Aboriginal conceptions of “Country” and the decolonization of the Australian imagination. He is a senior lecturer in English at the University of Sydney, specializing in Australian and Aboriginal poetry, poetics and ecopoetics, and lives in the Blue Mountains with poet, musician and scholar Kate Fagan, and their two children.
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