大海 The Sea - 勞爾‧朱利塔 Raúl Zurita - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
大海 The Sea
勞爾‧朱利塔 Raúl Zurita
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由勞爾‧朱利塔 (Raúl Zurita)著的大海 The Sea 收錄於呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2013而出版的珍貴詩集《島嶼與大陸》。《島嶼或大陸》由北島,陳嘉恩,方梓勳,柯夏智和馬德松所編,收錄了來自世界各地優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。
Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, Islands or Continents is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "The Sea” by Raúl Zurita (Chile) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.
查看更多勞爾‧朱利塔 Raúl Zurita
勞爾.朱利塔於1950 年生於智利首都聖地牙哥。他原本修讀工程學, 後來才走上詩歌創作之路。1973 年奧古斯多. 皮諾切特於智利發動軍事政變, 許多國人曾遭逮捕及虐待; 朱利塔也難倖免, 他受到激發, 寫下早期的詩作, 並在獲釋後協助組成激進的社會行動藝術團體 CADA,後來詩人亦憑其激烈並具挑釁性的公開表演而成名。他曾以推土機和噴氣式飛機表演,演示出或許是史上最大型的詩作。80 年代初, 朱利塔曾於紐約上空以藍天為紙, 白煙為墨, 書寫出其詩作〈新生活〉中的部分段落。其後於皮諾切特掌政期間, 朱利塔曾於阿塔卡馬沙漠用推土機推出 Ni Pena Ni Miedo(「無痛無懼」) 的字樣, 字樣之大更須於空中俯瞰才能清晰可見。
朱利塔榮獲多個獎項, 包括古根海姆獎學金及智利全國詩歌獎。詩集作品包括《煉獄》( 1979),《在天堂》( 1982),《天堂空蕩盪》,《歌頌消失的愛》,《對智利的愛》,《新生活》及《悼念》。近日詩人亦推出三本詩作, 分別由 Marick Press,Action Books 及加州大學出版社出版, 包括由羅威廉所譯的《耶穌, 拿撒勒人, 猶太人的君王》,由丹尼. 波西奇所譯的《歌頌消失的愛》, 及由安娜. 丹妮譯的《煉獄》。朱利塔現居於智利聖地牙哥, 為聖地亞哥波塔利斯大學的文學教授。
Raul Zurita was born in Santiago, Chile in 1950. He started out studying engineering before turning to poetry. His early work is a ferocious response to Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 military coup. Like many other Chileans, Zurita was arrested and tortured. When he was released, he helped to form a radical artistic group CADA, and he became renowned for his provocative and intensely physical public performances. He has written what are perhaps the most massively scaled poems ever created. He has done this with earth-moving equipment and smoke-trailing aircraft. In the early 1980s, Zurita famously sky-wrote passages from his poem, “The New Life,” over New York and later—still during the reign of Pinochet— bulldozed the phrase “Ni Pena Ni Miedo” (“Without Pain Or Fear”) into the Atacama Desert which, for its length, can only be seen from the sky.
Zurita is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and the National Poetry Prize of Chile. Three new books—INRI, translated by William Rowe; Song for His Disappeared Love, translated by Daniel Borzutzky; and Purgatory, translated by Anna Deeny—have recently been published by, respectively, Marick Press, Action Books, and the University of California Press. His books of poems include, among others, Purgatorio (1979), Anteparaíso (1982), El paraíso está vacío, Canto a Su Amor, Desaparecido, El Amor de Chile, La Vida Nueva, and In Memoriam. He lives in Santiago, Chile, where he is Professor of Literature at the niversidad Diego Portales.
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