普拉多 Prado - 格列勃•舒爾比亞科夫 Gleb Shulpyakov - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
普拉多 Prado
格列勃•舒爾比亞科夫 Gleb Shulpyakov
US $4.00
US $5.00
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由格列勃•舒爾比亞科夫 著的普拉多 Prado 收錄於呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2015而出版的珍貴詩集《詩歌與衝突》。《詩歌與衝突》由北島,陳嘉恩,方梓勳,柯夏智,馬德松和宋子江所編,收錄了來自世界各地,摩洛哥,巴勒斯坦,法國,西班牙,馬其頓,美國,加拿大,南韓,日本,緬甸,澳洲,中國,台灣,香港等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。
This pocket-sized paperback includes "Prado" by Gleb Shulpyakov. It is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night”is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.
查看更多格列勃•舒爾比亞科夫 Gleb Shulpyakov
Gleb Shulpyakov graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in journalism, and lives in Moscow. His first poetry collection The Flick (2001) was awarded the prestigious Triumph Prize. The poetry collection A Fireproof Box (Canarium Books, 2011) translated into English by Christopher Mattison, was shortlisted for the 2012 Best Translated Book Award. The English translation of Letters to Yakub (2012) was published in 2014 (Canarium Books). He is currently working on the collection Poems on a Typewriter.
格列勃. 舒爾比亞科夫, 生於1971 年, 畢業於莫斯科國立大學新聞學系, 現居莫斯科。他的第一部詩集《彈指》(2001) 獲得「勝利詩歌獎」。他已把泰德.休斯,羅拔.哈斯的詩,以及威斯坦.休.奧登的散文翻譯成俄文。他的第二本詩集《橡實》出版於2007 年,詩集《防火箱》入選2012 年「最佳翻譯書籍獎」候選名單。他最近出版的詩集是《給雅庫布的信》(2012,英譯版2014),目前正在寫下一本詩集《打字機上的詩》。
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