The Drunkard: A Novel by Liu Yichang - Liu Yichang - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
The Drunkard: A Novel by Liu Yichang
Liu Yichang
US $31.20
US $39.00
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The Drunkard is one of the first full-length stream-of-consciousness novels written in Chinese. It has been called the Hong Kong Novel, and was first published in 1962 as a serial in a Hong Kong evening paper. As the unnamed Narrator, a writer at odds with a philistine world, sinks to his drunken nadir, his plight can be seen to represent that of a whole intelligentsia, a whole culture, degraded by the brutal forces of history: the Second Sino-Japanese War and the rampant capitalism of post-war Hong Kong.The often surrealistic description of the Narrator’s inexorable descent through the seedy bars and night-clubs of Hong Kong, of his numerous encounters with dance-girls and his ever more desperate bouts of drinking, is counterpointed by a series of wide-ranging literary essays, analysing the Chinese classical tradition, the popular culture of China and the West, and the modernist movement in Western and Chinese literature.The ambiance of Hong Kong in the early 1960s is graphically evoked in this powerful and poignant novel, which takes the reader to the very heart of Hong Kong. Hong Kong director Freddie Wong made a fine film version of the novel in 2004.
查看更多Liu Yichang
Liu Yichang was born in Shanghai in 1918. He left China in 1948, and in 1957 settled in Hong Kong, where he edited the literary supplements of various newspapers. In 1985 he launched the literary magazine Hong Kong Literature and was its chief editor until 2000, acting as mentor to a whole new generation of writers including Xi Xi and P. K. Leung. Liu published more than 30 books and continued to write extensively for Hong Kong newspapers. His short story ‘Intersection’ and his novel The Drunkard were acknowledged by the Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai to have been an inspiration for his films In the Mood for Love (2000) and 2046 (2004). Liu died in 2018, just six months short of his hundredth birthday.
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