Rapunzel - The Brothers Grimm - Bookniverse
The Brothers Grimm
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US $12.56
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Rapunzel tells the story of a beautiful girl, who was locked away by a witch in a tower. The tower can only be entered by climbing up Rapunzel’s long, braided hair. Rapunzel lived in loneliness, until one day, a handsome young prince found her. Together, they plan their escape from the witch.
Rapunzel is a German fairy tale in the collection assembled by the Brothers Grimm, and first published in the nineteenth century. Its best known line "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair" is now an idiom.
About the author(s)
View moreThe Brothers Grimm
The timeless tale of Cinderella was written by the Brothers Grimm. Born in Germany in the early 19th century, the Brothers Grimm dedicated their lives to perserving and sharing the rich oral traditions and folklore of their homeland. These tales have inspired countless adaptations, including films, plays, operas and ballets.
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