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要戰爭,不要戰爭 Make war not war要戰爭,不要戰爭 Make war not war

要戰爭,不要戰爭 Make war not war - 揚•米歇爾•埃斯比達列 Jean-Michel Espitallier - Bookniverse

要戰爭,不要戰爭 Make war not war

揚•米歇爾•埃斯比達列 Jean-Michel Espitallier
US $4.00
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文學 > 世界文學
由揚•米歇爾•埃斯比達列 著的要戰爭,不要戰爭 Make war not war 收錄於呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2015而出版的珍貴詩集《詩歌與衝突》。《詩歌與衝突》由北島,陳嘉恩,方梓勳,柯夏智,馬德松和宋子江所編,收錄了來自世界各地,摩洛哥,巴勒斯坦,法國,西班牙,馬其頓,美國,加拿大,南韓,日本,緬甸,澳洲,中國,台灣,香港等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。This pocket-sized paperback includes "Make war not war" by Jean-Michel Espitallier. It is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night”is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.

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揚•米歇爾•埃斯比達列 Jean-Michel Espitallier
Jean-Michel Espitallier works along constantly renewed modes of action to create new vocabularies and test the limits of language. He is the author of several books including the very controversial Pièces detaches: une anthologie de la poésie française aujourd’hui (2000) and Caisse à outils: un panorama de la poésie française aujourd’hui (2006). His Le Théorème d’Espitallier (2003) was translated into English by Guy Bennett (Espitallier’s Theorem, 2005) while Fantaisie bouchère (2001) was translated by Sherry Brennan (Butcher’s Fantasy, 2003). 揚.米歇爾.埃斯比達列,擅長各種樂器,不斷創新語言行為模式, 挑戰語言的界限。他曾創辦《Java》雜誌, 並在《文學》(littéraire) 雜誌編輯「新法文詩歌」專號。曾出版數本書,包括非常具爭議性的《碎片:當代法文詩歌選》(2000) 和《工具箱:當代法文詩歌全景》(2006)。他的詩集《埃斯比達列理論》出版於2003 年,其英譯本出版於2005 年;《屠夫夢幻》出版於2001 年,其英譯本出版於2003 年。埃斯比達列從事各種多媒體創作,包括聲音,視頻,音樂等。

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