The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win - 徐是雄 - Bookniverse
The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win
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In this volume, The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win, which is an English translation of the fifth volume in the series, I shall present evidence that the ultimate goal of the evolution of human destiny is not to achieve some ethereal “utopia”, nor “universal values” arbitrarily determined by the United States, nor a hegemony where the United States is the one and only truth. It should only be a world of unity and harmony as the Chinese people have historically sought to create, and whether it can be achieved will depend on whether the rest of the world (especially the US) is able to recognize, tolerate, respect and accept China’s current path, the development model that China has established (in various aspects, such as society, culture, technology, politics, economy, ecology, world order and civilization), and the concept of a community of shared future for humankind.
About the author(s)
View more徐是雄
徐是雄教授,生物學家,學術和研究成就昭著,為北京師範大學—香港浸會大學聯合國際學院(UIC)榮休教授。曾任UIC副校長,香港大學生物學教授、生物學系主任及理學院副院長。也曾擔任過中國多所大學的客座教授及研究院的 客座研究員。2003年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授銀紫荊星章。歷任香港《基本法》諮詢委員會委員、港事顧問、香港特別行政區籌備委員會委員、香港特別行政區第㇐屆政府推選委員會委員,香港區第七、八屆全國人大代表,第九、十及十㇐屆全國政協委員,香港臨時市政局議員,香港南區區議員,及珠海市榮譽市民。
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View more灼見名家傳媒為一家多媒體公司,於2014年10月正式啟動,標榜獨立、中肯、理性,走深度分析、評論路線,廣邀超過300位大中華、海外權威學者及專家撰稿,具國際視野。另外,編輯部定期策劃獨家專訪及整理名家精彩演講,涵蓋經濟、政局、文化、教育、投資、健康等範疇,為讀者提供不一樣的深度內容和獨到觀點。此外,灼見名家亦編輯優質書刊,包括《香港高等教育何去何從──十大校長訪談錄》特刊(非賣品)、《教育心宴》、《校長也上課》等。
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