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Memories of Peking: South Side StoriesMemories of Peking: South Side Stories

Memories of Peking: South Side Stories - Lin Hai-yin - Bookniverse

Memories of Peking: South Side Stories

Lin Hai-yin
US $14.40
US $18.00
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文學 > 中國文學
Through the keen eyes and curious mind of a young girl, Ying-tzu, we are given a glimpse into the adult world of Peking in the 1920s.The five sequential stories in this collection can be read as either stand-alone pieces, or as a novel, due to the cleverly constructed themes and character development. Exploring ideas of loss and bewilderment, Lin Hai-yin carefully captures the transition from childhood to adulthood.Shielded by a child’s innocence, we are taken on a journey of discovery as Ying-tzu grapples with the uncertainties of human relationships as well as her developing awareness of the world around her.Poignant and poetic, it is hard not to be moved by Memories of Peking: South Side Stories.

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Lin Hai-yin
Lin Hai-yin (1918–2001) Born in Japan, Lin Hai-yin blurs the lines between fiction and reality as she draws from her childhood experiences growing up in Peking. Later settling in Taiwan (1948), Lin Hai-Yin contributed greatly to the Taiwanese literary scene throughout her extensive career as a prolific writer, editor and publisher.

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