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GAPNOD - Oscar Labastilla - Bookniverse


Oscar Labastilla
US $12.00
US $15.00
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8Letters Bookstore & Publishing

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人物傳記 > 政治人物傳記
GAPNOD is a detailed narration of Oscar Labastilla’s stories that go back to five generations of his family, from pre-war quaint towns of Bohol to the WW II events and their aftermath, to the migration movements from Luzon/Visayas to the vast forests of Mindanao in the early 50s, which shaped his dedication to life-long public service until the present day. It’s a personal account of the changes in administration and political dynasties leading to Martial Law and the EDSA Revolution and their impact on local politics, with a notable history of the logging industry in Agusan del Sur and the conflicts arising with the indigenous inhabitants, human rights violations and the workings of dirty politics. The national and local histories are well interfaced and inter-connected to impact the life of Oscar and his own family in a gripping, action-packed life stories filled with nostalgia and hope. "GAPNOD is a tale of relentless struggle for survival. With wit, humor, and sheer will to live, Oscar has demonstrated how he realized his own higher purpose by embracing his experiences in appreciation of the life that had been bestowed upon him, from near-death experiences to calamities and family saga, he mightily survived it all, from Bohol to Mindanao and back. As a Mindanawon, I find this an immensely gratifying read.” — Angelo Jimenez, President, University of the Philippines "I recommend this book to all those passionate about Filipino heritage and history. It’s a snapshot of Oscar’s fascinating journey, filled with adventure, faith, resilience, and historical gems.” — Mitos Suson, Author, Shards of Time

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Oscar Labastilla

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