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A Medical History of Hong Kong: The Development and Contributions of Outpatient ServicesA Medical History of Hong Kong: The Development and Contributions of Outpatient Services

A Medical History of Hong Kong: The Development and Contributions of Outpatient Services - Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung - Bookniverse

A Medical History of Hong Kong: The Development and Contributions of Outpatient Services

Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung
US $44.00
US $55.00
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歷史 > 中國歷史 > 香港歷史
Please find errata for this titlehere.This book focuses on a seldom discussedtopic despite its immeasurable impacton the health of the citizens and publichealth in Hong Kong—the developmentof outpatient medical services and theircontributions. In the early 20th century,Chinese elite organized and operated anumber of Chinese Public Dispensariesin Hong Kong and Kowloon, initially toreduce the prevalence of “dump bodies”on the streets during epidemics ofsmallpox or plague, and to determine thecause of death of these bodies. Later otherservices including domiciliary deliveriesby trained midwives were added. Thegovernment founded similar clinics inthe New Territories. After WWII, thegovernment took over all the ChinesePublic Dispensaries and operated themas general outpatient clinics. Over theyears, more general clinics and specialclinics were developed. These clinicshelped improve the health indices ofthe population to those of the Westerncountries by the 1970s.~~~~~~~Modern-day medicine increasingly emphasises patient managementon an outpatient basis. We are indebted to Professor Moira M. W.Chan-Yeung for her tireless efforts in researching the history of medicaloutpatient services in Hong Kong. Through this book, readers willgain insights into how outpatient medicine in the past has shaped thecity’s modern day healthcare system, and have a glimpse into its futuredevelopment.—Professor Lau Chak-sing,Head of Department of Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine,The University of Hong KongAn exemplary piece of scholarship that interprets the past andilluminates our future paths. Seldom has history, so dear and near, beentold with such prides and hopes, for maestros and ordinary folks.—Professor Gilberto K. K. Leung,Clinical Professor and Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning),LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

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Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung
Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung has over 40 years of experience in research and scholarship, having published about 400 peer-reviewed articles, numerous book chapters and several books. A world authority on occupational asthma, she was instrumental in having it recognized as a compensable disease and setting up criteria for assessing respiratory impairment/ disability in patients with asthma. She was given the Alice Hamilton Award for “Major and Lasting Contribution in Occupational Health” from the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the prestigious Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Thoracic Society in recognition of her contributions. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung is Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and Honorary Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. This book is her sixth work on history after her retirement.

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