Cinderella - The Brothers Grimm - Bookniverse
The Brothers Grimm
US $6.98
US $8.72
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In a land of enchantment, a young girl named Cinderella lives a challenging life. One fateful day, with the help of her fairy godmother, Chinderella's world transforms before her eyes. She is bestowed with a beautiful gown, glass slippers and an invitation to the royal ball. As young readers delve into this timeless tale, they will experience a world filled with wonder and possibility.
About the author(s)
View moreThe Brothers Grimm
The timeless tale of Cinderella was written by the Brothers Grimm. Born in Germany in the early 19th century, the Brothers Grimm dedicated their lives to perserving and sharing the rich oral traditions and folklore of their homeland. These tales have inspired countless adaptations, including films, plays, operas and ballets.
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