The Call of the Wild - Jack London - Bookniverse
The Call of the Wild
Jack London
US $10.05
US $12.56
About this book
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The Call of the Wild was an adventurous story set in Yukon, Canada in the late 19th century. The book tells the story that a dog named Buck who was well raised by a judge's family, but later was stolen and sold to Yukon, and became a sled dog. Being forced to explore more gold and surviving in extreme natural conditions, Buck’s primitive wildness and fighting instinct were stimulated. He gradually turned into ‘the leader in the wild’. The story of Buck shows that the continuous struggle for survival can ultimately impose life with meaning and strength.
About the author(s)
View moreJack London
Jack London, pen name of John Griffith Chaney, was born in 1876 in America. He was a productive novelist, with 19 novels and more than 150 short stories. He was versatile in many literary genres and became one of the first American authors to turn into an international celebrity.
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