Making National Heroes: The Exemplarist Production of Masculinities in Contemporary China - Jacqueline Zhenru Lin - 文宇宙|Bookniverse
Making National Heroes: The Exemplarist Production of Masculinities in Contemporary China
Jacqueline Zhenru Lin
US $46.40
US $58.00
查看更多人文社科 > 當代思潮 > 性別研究
歷史 > 中國歷史
Making National Heroes is an ethnography of the making of national heroes in the commemoration of the Second World War in contemporary China. Foregrounding the lived experience of men and women who participate in commemorative activities, it theorises how masculinity and nationalism entangle in recollecting war memories. Taking the feminist line of inquiry, this anthropological study develops an approach to capture the centrality of making exemplars in the realisation of hegemonic masculinities. It adds a gender perspective to studies on exemplarist moral theory and theorises exemplary men’s cross-cultural significance in defining masculinities. Researchers in the fields of critical masculinity studies, anthropology, feminist methodology, China studies, and memory studies will be interested in this book.
查看更多Jacqueline Zhenru Lin
Jacqueline Zhenru Lin is a research assistant professor in the Centre for China Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include the use of digital technology in Chinese NGOs, charity and volunteering in contemporary China, war memories, and local histories.
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