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Les Misérables Vol II: Marius, Saint-Denis and Idyll of the Rue PlumetLes Misérables Vol II: Marius, Saint-Denis and Idyll of the Rue Plumet

Les Misérables Vol II: Marius, Saint-Denis and Idyll of the Rue Plumet - Victor Hugo - Bookniverse

Les Misérables Vol II: Marius, Saint-Denis and Idyll of the Rue Plumet

Victor Hugo
US $10.68
US $12.56
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文學 > 英國文學 > 文學作品
Les Misérables is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, set between 1815 and the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris. Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, following the lives and interactions of several characters: ex-convict Jean Valjean, the grisette Fantine and her daughter Cosette, the inspector Javert, the rogue Th?nardier and his family, the revolutionist Enjolras, and the student Marius. The novel elaborates upon the history of modern France, justice, religion, and the nature of romantic and familial love. In Volume II, Valjean and Cosette tries to live a normal life in Paris, but fate continues to conspire against Valjean when he is recognised and confronted by the rogue Th?nardiers. The city simmers with revolution, and the impressionable student Marius joins the charismatic Enjolras in organising an uprising. At the same time, he has also fallen in love with Cosette, but the lovers face being torn apart…

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Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo (維克多·馬裡·雨果) Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885),法國浪漫主義文學的代表人物和19世紀前期積極浪漫主義文學運動的領袖,法國文學史上卓越的作家。雨果幾乎經歷了19世紀法國的所有重大事變。一生創作了眾多詩歌,小說,劇本,各種散文和文藝評論及政論文章。代表作有《鐘樓怪人》,《九三年》,和《悲慘世界》等。

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