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Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87

Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87 - James Hayes - Bookniverse

Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87

James Hayes
US $22.40
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歷史 > 中國歷史 > 香港歷史
Prompted by the Chinese saying, ‘When I walk along with two others, I am bound to be able to learn from them’, the title of this memoir reflects the author’s close association with the local people through his work and leisure interests, and his consuming desire to learn as much as he could about their history and culture. The book covers several decades of Hong Kong's recent past, from the time James Hayes joined the Administrative Grade of the Hong Kong Civil Service in the 1950s to his retirement in the 1980s, thirty-two years later. Spending practically his whole career in departments rather than in the central Secretariat, serving in posts that brought him into direct contact with the public, we follow him as a young cadet fresh from language school to his first posting in the District Administration, New Territories, through all of his varied assignments to his final post between 1985-87, when he again served in a very changed New Territories in charge of an equally altered District Administration.

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James Hayes
James Hayes is a scholar of the Hong Kong region and its people. In his thirty-two years of government service he served in the New Territories almost half the time, and was Regional Secretary New Territories, heading the District Administration there in 1985–87. His publications include Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953–87 (Hong Kong University Press, 1996) and The Hong Kong Region: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (1977, reprinted by Hong Kong University Press, 2012).

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