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公路旁的紅罌粟 Poppies by the Motorway公路旁的紅罌粟 Poppies by the Motorway

公路旁的紅罌粟 Poppies by the Motorway - 林舜玲 Agnes Lam S. L. - Bookniverse

公路旁的紅罌粟 Poppies by the Motorway

林舜玲 Agnes Lam S. L.
US $4.00
US $5.00
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文學 > 世界文學
由林舜玲 (Agnes S. L. Lam)著的公路旁的紅罌粟 Poppies by the Motorway 收錄於呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2017而出版的珍貴詩集《古老的敵意》。《古老的敵意》由北島,柯夏智和宋子江所編,收錄了來自世界各地,如南非,智利,美國,英國,加拿大,波蘭,法國,日本,葡萄牙,敘利亞,波斯尼亞,南韓,澳洲,德國,俄羅斯,希臘,中國大陸,香港等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。This pocket-sized paperback included Poppies by the Motorway by Agnes S. L. Lam. It is one of the twenty-four titles published for 2017 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2017 is “Ancient Enmity”. IPNHK is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” Included in the anthology and box set, these unique works are presented with Chinese and English translations in bilingual or trilingual formats.

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林舜玲 Agnes Lam S. L.
林舜玲(Agnes S. L. Lam),於香港,負笈新加坡及美國留學。她前任香港大學教授,2012年退休,並曾為傅爾布萊特基金,英國文化協會及數家大學的訪問學人。代表著作包括Woman to Woman and Other Poems (1997), Water Wood Pure Splendour (2001) 和A Pond in the Sky (2013),部分詩作並獲譯成德文,意大利文及其他語言。林舜玲於2008年獲愛荷華大學頒授寫作榮譽院士,並於意大利諾西德國際詩歌比賽奪得「特別表揚獎」。翌年,她榮獲香港民政事務處「嘉許狀」,以誌她於國際藝文活動的建樹。林舜玲致力學術研究,其著作Language Education in China: Policy and Experience from 1949 (2005, HKU Press),論證新穎,領先同儕。近年她鑽研亞洲的英語詩作,備受矚目,其論著Becoming Poets: The Asian English Experience (2014, Peter Lang)「參照之廣,探究之深」,實為「亞洲英語體驗的有力考察」(2015年十二月號Asiatic,書評人:Murari Prasad)。

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