Miracles of Quiapo - Ingming Aberia - Bookniverse
Miracles of Quiapo
Ingming Aberia
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Set in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines, Miracles of Quiapo is not the kind of story that we have been used to hearing about miracles.
In a sqaulid place that society does not find worthy to look at, an abandoned child appeared from its half-lit alleys. This child would be raised by surrogate parents, and with grit and determination, he would grind his way to survival. The story of one of his parents recalls the rape, the plunder, and the killing inflicted by a dictator on his people in the countryside. The child did not only survive, he made a good account of himself through formal education and the school of hard knocks, as it were; later on, he earned his spurs while establishing a career in community organizing. Such was his springboard to national prominence that one day, to everyone's surprise, he was elected mayor of the country's premier city.
Miracles of Quiapo is a story of human determination to overcome adversity. It is about the triumph of good over evil. It celebrates little good deeds. It is a portrait that needed strokes from many hands to complete the artwork. It is about people helping people.
About the author(s)
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Hermilando “Ingming” Duque Aberia is a social development worker by training and profession. He worked in international development agencies like the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Development Program, International Labor Organization, and Asian Development Bank. He holds a master’s degree in development management from the Makati-based Asian Institute of Management. He also contributes articles once a week to The Manila Times, one of the world’s longest-running Spanish/English broadsheets (in operation since 1898), as an OpEd columnist.
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