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The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - Bookniverse

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain
US $10.68
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文學 > 英國文學 > 文學作品
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer contains stories about the naughty Tom and his friends Huckleberry Finn and Becky Thatcher. Many of the stories are from the author's own experience, with many interesting plots from children’s viewpoint. Tom Sawyer is an orphan adopted by Aunt Polly. He often goes out with friends for adventure and always loves to play tricks and pranks. He escapes punishment several times, although a little foolish and unpredictable, but also with a little wit and a sense of humor. Despite his mischievousness, Tom has an innocent heart and a strong conscience. As the novel progresses, he grew more mature and rational. He has learned to value the resources of home and community. The novel satirizes and criticizes the hypocritical and vulgar social customs, hypocritical religious rituals and stereotypical school education in the United States, and depicts the free and lively minds of young children in a cheerful tone. It is an American literary classic, an American bestseller, and Mark Twain’s most famous work.

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Mark Twain
Mark Twain was born on 30 November 1835 in Florida, Missouri, USA. He was the sixth of seven children in his family. His father, a local lawyer, had a meager income and his family was struggling to make ends meet. Young Mark Twain had to work while he was in school. His father died when he was eleven, and from then on he began a life of independent labor, first as an apprentice in a printing press, as a newspaper carrier and typesetter, and later as a sailor and coxswain on the Mississippi River. Gradually handwritten some interesting novels and began his writing career, Mark Twain published a humorous story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County in 1865 in a New York magazine, making him nationally famous. In 1869, he wrote The Innocents Abroad, which became an instant bestseller. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published in 1876 and received even greater national acclaim and cemented Twain’s position as a giant in American literary circles.

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