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Hong Kong Notable DoctorsHong Kong Notable Doctors

Hong Kong Notable Doctors - Dr. Wong Tai-wai - Bookniverse

Hong Kong Notable Doctors

Dr. Wong Tai-wai | Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung
US $44.00
US $55.00
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歷史 > 中國歷史 > 香港歷史
This is probably the first book dedicated to the life and times of the doctors who have shaped the medical development of Hong Kong. It is a fascinating story of how the pioneers transformed a city with primitive medical services into what it is today—a city with advanced medical facilities as in any major Western city.—Dr. Mak Wai-pingChairman (Executive Committee) and Board of DirectorsHong Kong Museum of Medical Science SocietyThe development of Western medicine in Hong Kong to its current sophisticated state over more than 150 years is a fascinating story. And this book tells the above history from a special perspective—the personalities responsible for this remarkable achievement.These individuals, spanning over a period of over 150 years, comprised doctors in government public medical and health services who advocated new initiatives and laid the infrastructure; those who established health policies, and moved the health system forward; the medical educators who trained the medical workforce and generated new medical knowledge through their research; practising doctors, who not only delivered medical care but also offered their free services in education and social welfare; and pioneer female doctors before and after World War II who struggled their ways to the medical world and shined on their own specialties. The story of each doctor is narrated in the context of the complex political, social, and economic backdrop of his/her time.While these doctors from diverse backgrounds lived in different eras and engaged in different branches of medicine, they were strikingly similar in several aspects: their dedication to serving the community and their tireless labor to achieve their aim at times under adverse conditions, leaving their mark in the history of medicine in Hong Kong.

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Dr. Wong Tai-wai
Dr. Wong Tai-wai is a specialist in Emergency Medicine and is currently working as a part-time consultant in a public hospital and an Honorary Associate Professor of the Emergency Medicine Unit of The University of Hong Kong. He has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and served as editor and senior editor of the Hong Kong Medical Journal. He co-authored The Yu Family: A Century of Medical Excellence with Dr. Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung. His edited works include: From“Casualty” to Emergency Medicine: Half a Century of Transformation, Two Decades of Advancement in Emergency Medicine: From Breadth to Depth, and Footprints of Medicine: From the Collections of Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. He writes a column for the Ming Pao Monthly magazine and often contributes articles on local medical history. He has also written several books in Chinese in relation to the life and work of emergency physicians.

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