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Christianity and Education in Modern ChinaChristianity and Education in Modern China

Christianity and Education in Modern China - Edited by Wong Man Kong and George Kam Wah Mak - Bookniverse

Christianity and Education in Modern China

Edited by Wong Man Kong and George Kam Wah Mak
US $64.00
US $80.00
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歷史 > 中國歷史
宗教命理 > 基督教
In Christianity and Education in Modern China, Wong Man Kong, George Kam Wah Mak, and other contributors demonstrate how Christianity served as a driving force in the development of modern education in China. Each of the chapters offers new insights into Christian involvement in different issues concerning education in modern China. The contributors examine how Christian missionaries and Chinese Christian educators interacted with China’s social, cultural, and political contexts. Also explored are the Christian legacies of higher education in mainland China and Taiwan, as well as how the spirit of Christian higher education in modern China has been carried on in Asia. This volume suggests that Western missionary and Chinese Christian perspectives of higher education were complementary with each other in modern China.

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Edited by Wong Man Kong and George Kam Wah Mak
Wong Man Kong is professor of history at Hong Kong Baptist University and honorary research senior fellow in history at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is the co-editor of Hong Kong History: Themes in Global Perspective (2021).George Kam Wah Mak is associate professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy and research fellow of the Centre for Sino-Christian Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is the author of Protestant Bible Translation and Mandarin as the National Language of China (2017). 

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