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Oliver TwistOliver Twist

Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens - Bookniverse

Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens
US $10.05
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文學 > 英國文學 > 文學作品
Oliver Twist was Dicken’s second novel which was officially published in 1893. This book mainly follows a miserable growth journey of the protagonist, Oliver Twist. Since he was born, he has been raised in an orphanage with too many children but too little food. Later, he is sent to work as an apprentice to an undertaker. However, he still suffers repeated mistreatment, so he chooses to run away and heads for London. Misfortunes befalling him are still going on. In London, he mistakenly gets involved with the thieves and later was forced to associate with vicious criminals. After experiencing countless hardships, he finally figures out his own identity and gains happiness with the help of some good people such as Fagin, the Maylies, and Mr. Brownlow.

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Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He is an excellent novelist and social critic who created some of the world's most notable masterpieces including David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, and Great Expectations. Many critics and scholars considered him as a literary genius and the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.

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